St. Mary’s – A bird found below the Lifeboat Station by a local was identified as a leucistic Wheatear a stunning individual. Elsewhere A Garden Warbler & a Spotted Flycatcher were in Carreg Dhu Gardens and a Whinchat was on Pungie’s Lane. A Ruff & a Common Sandpiper were on Porth Hellick Pool, a Ring Ouzel was on the Golf Course, a Turtle Dove was at the Riding Stables and a Hobby flew over Sunnyside.
Tresco – A Black-headed Wagtail was at the west end of the Great Pool and a Great White Egret flew east over the south side of the island. A female Redstart, a Merlin and a Turtle Dove were also on the island.
Bryher – 2 Grasshopper Warblers, a Yellow Wagtail and a Hobby.