On sale now

You can get your copy for just £20 (+£3.50 P&P), or become a Friend of the Isles of Scilly Bird Group and get your copy and postage included.

Join ISBG today

Or order from:
Carole Cilia, Membership Secretary

e: membership@scilly-birding.co.uk
t: 01720 423540
h: Hivernia, Jackson’s Hill, St Mary’s,
Isles of Scilly TR21 0JZ

Paid-up Members and Friends should have received their copies in the post by the end of September. You may purchase copies this October at the Logs at the Scillonian Club, St Mary’s and the Turk’s Head, St Agnes.

2023 Review Highlights:

  • Full of superb artwork and photos over 264 pages
  • Full details of all 243 species seen in 2023, which included some astonishing rarities
  • Finders’ Reports on Scilly’s first Red-footed and Brown Boobies, first Cape May Warbler, 2nd and 3rd South Polar Skuas, 7th Cliff Swallow and 7th Northern Parula
  • A full report on the extraordinary 25 Scopoli’s Shearwaters recorded in Scilly waters (the 3rd to 27th for Scilly)
  • A summary with very informative maps of the comprehensive 2023 Breeding Seabird Survey undertaken by the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust
  • Notes on the exciting ‘American Invasion’ of American Painted Lady butterflies and Green Darner dragonflies, including a special gallery of photos
  • A report on a March 2023 survey of lichens
  • Comprehensive annual reports on:
    • bird ringing and colour-ring sightings
    • cetaceans and other sea creatures
    • butterflies, moths and other insect groups
    • bats and other mammals
    • plants
  • The Isles of Scilly Bird Checklist – updated and packed with information.

Back copies also available

2022 – £10
2002, 2005-2021 inclusive – £5
Plus P&P (subject to number of copies purchased)
Order from Carole Cilia – address above.

Sharing your sightings and photos

We are always looking for you to share your sightings and photos for inclusion in the next Isles of Scilly Bird and Natural History Review.

Find out more about submitting your records here and how to submit your photos here.

Sooty shearwater © Joe Pender