There was an influx of Skylark (150+ on St. Mary’s), Chiffchaffs (100+St. Agnes), and Black Redstarts (27 St. Agnes, 30+ St.Mary’s)

St. Mary’s – 1 Whooper Swan early morning on Lower Moors, A Pintail on Newford Duck Pond, a summer plumaged Great Northern Diver flew past Giants’ Castle and a Sooty Shearwater & 2 Great Skuas flew past Peninnis. A Little Grebe & 3 Jack Snipe were on Porth Hellick Pool and another Jack Snipe was on Shooters’ Pool. 5 Lapwing ranged around St. Mary’s and 8 Golden Plover flew over Old Town and one was at Telegraph. A Red-breasted Flycatcher was at Mount Todden Battery a Spotted Flycatcher was at Rosehill, the Common Rosefinch was still at Carn Gwaval and a Common Redstart was at Borough Farm. 3 Snow Buntings were near Giants’ Castle, a Little bunting was seen briefly at Porth Minnick and the Wryneck was still on the coastal path below the Airfield and another was seen to fly from the Riding Stables towards Green Farm. A Turtle Dove was on the Garrison, a *RED-THROATED PIPIT* was heard calling over the Airfield and a Richard’s Pipit flew from there and appeared to land on Porth Hellick Down. Also on the island were at least 6 Mediterranean Gulls, 3 Ring Ouzels, 4 Yellow-browed Warblers and 18 Firecrests.

Tresco – A Whooper Swan, 2 Pintail and a Firecrest.

St. Agnes – 6 Whooper Swans, a Knot, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, a Common Redstart, 3 Firecrest and a Rose-coloured Starling. Also seen was a Hippolais warbler, thought probably to be a Melodious Warbler.

St. Martin’sYellow-browed Warbler.

Bryher – 11 Golden Plover, Woodcock, Ring Ouzel and Snow Bunting. a Long or Short-eared Owl flew in off the sea past Bryher towards Round Island.

GughLapwing and Snow Bunting.

Samson – 4 Spoonbills.

Categories: BIRD REPORTS


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