Tuesdays Birds were: A Golden Plover flew over Peninnis and a Whitethroat was on the headland. The Red-backed Shrike was still at Carn Friars and a Spotted Flycatcher, a Wryneck and a Whitethroat were also there. Another Wryneck was at Rocky Hills. A Spotted Flycatcher was in bushes opposite Nowhere. A Pied Flycatcher and the 8th Kingfisher of the autumn were trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick and a Teal was at Newford Duck Pond. A Green Sandpiper was with Greenshank at Porth Hellick Pool. A Whinchat, Common Redstart and Tree Pipit were reported from Bryher and Dotterel and Whinchat were on St Agnes. The Lesser Yellowlegs remained on Tresco Great Pool.
Wednesdays birds were: A Wryneck was mobile at Peninnis Head and a Grasshopper Warbler was trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick. Three Sparrowhawks and a Kestrel were together over Longstones where good numbers of Meadow Pipits and hirundines were reported moving over. A Hobby was seen chasing the aforementioned hirundines mid-afternoon and a Firecrest was also located there. Ten Blackcap were also seen there. A Common Redstart was at Carn Friars and 15+ Blackcap were at Salakee. Three Firecrests were on Tresco and Whinchat and Spotted Flycatcher was also reported there. Bryher held 8 Spotted and 2 Pied Flycatchers, Redstart, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and 2 Whinchat.