Thursday’s birds were:

St. Agnes – The Bee-eater, a Woodlark and 2 Cuckoos.

Gugh – A Whimbrel.

Annet – 120 Manx Shearwaters and 2 Great Northern Divers offshore.

St. Mary’s – A Cuckoo in Holy Vale and a Jackdaw (a scarce bird on Scilly) at Longstone.

Bryher – 5 Whimbrels and a Cuckoo.

St. Martin’s – A Whimbrel.

At sea – A successful trip produced 100+ Manx Shearwaters, 30-40 European Storm-petrels, a Yellow-legged Gull, an Arctic Tern, 2 Sunfish and the highlight of the trip a Leatherback Turtle

Friday’s birds were:

St. Mary’s – The Bee-eater that had been around for a few days was seen at Carn Friars, 2 Swifts were at Old Town and another was over Longstone. A Hobby was seen at over Normandy & Lower Moors and 2 Spotted Flycatchers were at Lower Moors with another at Telegraph.

St. Agnes – The Bee-eater was seen at Castella Down.

Tresco – A Swift, 2 Cuckoos, a Turtle Dove and a Golden Oriole.

St. Martin’s – 2 Swifts, 2 Ravens and a Common Whitethroat.

Bryher – 8 Dunlins, a Swift, a Cuckoo and a Common Whitethroat.

Inter-island waters – 2 Great Northern Divers were in the Roads