St. Mary’s – 600+ Cory’s and 200+ Great Shearwaters were flew past Giant’s Castle mid-afternoon.

Teän – 2 Whimbrels and a Mediterranean Gull.

Inter-island waters – A Mediterranean Gull was in Tresco Channel.

At sea– A Wilson’s Storm-petrel, 19 European Storm-petrels,7 Grey Phalaropes, 8 Cory’s, 9 Great, 2 Balearic and 14 Sooty Shearwaters were seen from the Scillonian III on the return crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

At sea– On another astounding Scilly Birders Special Pelagic trip the counts were: 4 Wilson’s Storm-petrels. 50+European Storm-petrels, 1400+ Cory’s, 550+ Great, 200+ Sooty 2 Balearic & 4000+ Manx Shearwaters,7 Great Skuas and a 2nd summer Pomarine Skua. Seen in the water were 100+ Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, an Ocean Sunfish, 10 Harbour Porpoise. 20 Bottlenose Dolphins, an unidentified large Whale, 5 Minke Whales and a Blue Shark was caught, tagged and released.

For more photos from the Scilly Pelagic trips see and .