Wednesday (28/08)
Gull-billed Tern – 1 still in Porth Cressa Bay making a brief visit to Old Town Bay.
Pectoral Sandpiper – 1 still at the west end of the Great Pool, Tresco.
Cory’s Shearwater – 25 on a mini offshore pelagic and 2 off the airport turning circle.
Great Shearwater – 10 on the mini offshore pelagic.
Sooty Shearwater – 7 on the mini offshore pelagic.
Pomarine Skua –2 on the mini offshore pelagic.
Yellow-legged Gull – An adult on rocks between Periglis and Porth Conger, St. Agnes.
Artic Tern – 20 on the mini offshore pelagic.
Puffin – 1 on the mini offshore pelagic.
Great Northern Diver – 1 around the Western Isles.
Little Grebe – 1 in Old Town Bay.
Brent Goose – 1 on Lower Town Beach, St. Martin’s.
Grey Phalarope – 1 on the mini offshore pelagic and 1 near Great Arthur, Eastern Isles.
Grey Plover – 1 on St. Martin’s.
Common Sandpiper – 1 on Bryher.
Whimbrel – 30 on the mini offshore pelagic and 4 on St. Martin’s.
Wryneck – 1 on Bryher
Tree Pipit – 2 on St. Martin’s.
Cetti’s Warbler – 2 trapped, ringed and released at Porth Hellick ringing station.
Common Whitethroat – 2 on Bryher.
Spotted Flycatcher – 2 on St. Mary’s, 5 on Bryher. 1 on S t. Martin’s and 2 on St. Agnes.
Pied Flycatcher – 6 on St. Mary’s, 2 on Bryher, 2 on St. Agnes and 3 on St. Martin’s.
Common Seal – 1 on the mini offshore pelagic. This species is rare in Scilly.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 20 on the mini offshore pelagic.
Thursday (29/08)
Gull-billed Tern – 1 still in Porth Cressa Bay. Also seen in the over the airfield with 6 Mediterranean Gulls feeding on flying ants.
Common Rosefinch – 1 in a field at the bottom of Pelistry track.
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1 on an evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of Bishop Rock.
European Storm-petrel – 25 on the evening pelagic.
Cory’s Shearwater – 170 on the evening pelagic.
Great Shearwater – 300 on the evening pelagic.
Sooty Shearwater –3 on the evening pelagic.
Manx Shearwater – c250 on the evening pelagic.
Sabine’s Gull – A juvenile on the evening pelagic.
Pomarine Skua – A first-summer bird on the evening pelagic.
Long-tailed Skua – A very showy adult the evening pelagic (photo).
Great Northern Diver – 1 off the Eastern Isles.
Red-throated Diver – 1 in summer-plumage between Samson and Nut Rock (photo)
Pale-bellied Brent Goose – 2 on the Flats off Middle Town, St. Mary’s.
Green Sandpiper –1 on Lower Moors.
Whimbrel – 1 flew over the airfield.
Wryneck – 1 in the Standing Stones Field, 1 on Bryher and 1 on St. Martin’s.
Common Redstart – 1 at Innisidgen,
Spotted Flycatcher – 2 on St. Mary’s and 2 on Bryher.
Pied Flycatcher – 8 on St, Mary’s, 4 on Bryher and 3 on St. Martin’s.+
Friday (30/08)
SOUTH P0LAR SKUA – 1 on an evening pelagic trip 5 km southwest of Bishop Rock. This the 5th of the pelagic season and with the 3 seen last year most of the British records have been seen from the MV Sapphire.
Gull-billed Tern – 1 still in Porth Cressa Bay.
Pectoral Sandpiper – 1 still on Tresco.
European Storm-petrel – 6 on the evening pelagic.
Cory’s Shearwater – An incredible count of 2500+ on the evening pelagic and 55 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Great Shearwater – 3000+ on the evening pelagic and 65 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Sooty Shearwater –12 on the evening pelagic.
Manx Shearwater – c2000 on the evening pelagic.
Sabine’s Gull – A juvenile was seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Artic Skua – 1 was seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Pomarine Skua – 3 on the evening pelagic.
Arctic Tern – 4 on the evening pelagic.
Common Tern – 2 on the evening pelagic.
Osprey – A juvenile was seen in the evening on Rocks in Porth Hellick Bay and later flew over the Municipal Dump & Lower Moors.
Great Northern Diver – 2 near the Eastern Isles.
Red-throated Diver – The summer-plumage bird was in the Roads.
Wigeon – 1 on Tesco.
Shoveler – 2 on Tesco.
Pale-bellied Brent Goose – 2 on the Flats off Middle Town, St. Mary’s.
Green Sandpiper – 1 still on Lower Moors Pool.
Whimbrel – 1 flew over the airfield.
Wryneck – 1 in a field on the track from Salakee Farm to Porth Hellick, 2 in the Standing Stones Field, 1 near Church Point, 1 in the fields below Bant’s Carn and 1 on the road at Lower Town ST. Martin’s.
Cetti’s Warbler – 1 trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick Ringing Station.
Common Whitethroat – 1 in the Standing Stones Field
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk on the Garrison.
Pied Flycatcher – 10 on St, Mary’s, 3 on Bryher, 4 on Tresco and 1 on St. Martin’s.
Tree Pipit – 2 Trewince and I f
Bluefin Tuna – 100 on the evening pelagic (photo).
Bluefin Shark – 1 caught, tagged and released on the evening pelagic (photo).
Saturday (31/08)
European Storm-petrel – 2 on a daytime pelagic trip, south and west of the islands.
Cory’s Shearwater – 40 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Great Shearwater – 70 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Sabine’s Gull – 3 on the daytime pelagic trip (photo).
Caspian Gull – A juvenile on the daytime pelagic trip (photo). This is a very scarce bird in Scilly waters.
Yellow-lagged Gull – 2 juveniles on the daytime pelagic trip.
Artic Skua – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Pomarine Skua – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Arctic Tern – 4 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Common Tern – 49 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Little Tern – 2 in Porth Cressa Bay. This is a scarce species on Scilly.
Black Tern – 2 on the daytime pelagic trip (photo)
Puffin – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Hobby – 1 hunting amongst a flock of 700+ hirundines over the centre of St. Mary’s.
Grey Phalarope – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip and 1 off the Eastern Isles, seem from the Scillonian III.
Green Sandpiper – 2 on Lower Moors Pool and 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Whimbrel – 4 flew over Pelistry.
Wryneck – 1 still in the Standing Stones Field,1 in the Green Farm area.
Common Whitethroat –1 still in the Standing Stones Field.
Common Redstart – An immature by Mount Todden Farm.
Spotted Flycatcher – 3 on St. Mary’s.
Pied Flycatcher – 10 on St. Mary’s.
Tree Pipit – 1 Longstone, 2 in the Green Farm area.
Ocean Sunfish – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip, 1 Kittydown, 2 Mount Todden.
Sunday (01/09)
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1 on a daytime pelagic trip, 14 km southwest of St. Mary’s.
European Storm-petrel – 3 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Cory’s Shearwater – 60 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Great Shearwater – c2000 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Sooty shearwater – 20 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Manx Shearwater – 1000on the daytime pelagic trip.
Artic Skua – 3 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Pomarine Skua – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Arctic Tern – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Common Tern – 25 on the daytime pelagic trip.
Green Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Hobby – 1 over Longstone.
Ortolan Bunting – 1 flew west over St. Agnes towards Porth Killier.
Wryneck – 1 Lower Moors, 1 in a fie and 1 at Carreg Dhu and 1 still at Salakee.
Red-backed Shrike –1 in the scrub behind Gimble Porth, Tresco.
Kingfisher –1 in Porth Hellick Bay.
Wood Warbler –1 on St. Matin’s.
Spotted Flycatcher – 3 on St. Mary’s
Pied Flycatcher –12 on St. Mary’s and 1 on St. Martin’s.
Whinchat – 1 on the airfield.
Common Redstart – 1 Helvear.
Tree Pipit – 5 on St. Mary’s
Yellow Wagtail – 2 flew east over Longstone.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 50 on the daytime pelagic trip.