Monday (27/05)

Bee-eater – 2 flew north over the Garrison.

Golden Oriole – 1 in the Carreg Dhu/Longstone area,

Goldeneye – A female on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Cuckoo – 1 at Porth Hellick.

Yellow Wagtail – 1 flew oar Bryher Pool and 1 flew over the Garrison.

Tuesday (28/05)

Golden Oriole  – 1 singing in the elms between Tremelethen Farm and Higher Moors

Goldeneye – The female was still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Pochard – A pair on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Golden Plover – 1 on the Golf Course

European Storm-petrel – 2 in Scilly waters seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St, Mary’s to Penzance.

Arctic Tern – 4 in Scilly waters seen from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St, Mary’s to Penzance.

Hobby – A “probable” seen in the late evening gloom by the hangers on the airfield.

Common Swift – 2 over Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Wednesday (29/05)

Wigeon  – A female was on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Goldeneye  – On Tresco the female was still on the Great Pool, before moving to Abbey Pool

Tufted Duck  – A female associating with the Goldeneye on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Thursday (30/05)

Goldeneye –  The female was on Abbey Pool, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 1 in the Roads.

Friday (31/05)

Whooper Swan  – 1 reported on Tresco.

Common Whitethroat  – 1 still on the coast between Middle town and Lower Town, St. Martin’s.

Grasshopper Wartler  – 1 reeling in the evening in the water meadow at Holy Vale.

Saturday (01/06)

Common Rosefinch  – A first summer male was singing opposite Porthloo Duck Pond and then flew towards Lower Moors.

Nightjar  – 1 flew alongside a boat south of St, Mary’s for 10 minutes before flying north.

Common Swift  – 1 over Longstone and 1 over Higher Town St. Martin’s.

Cuckoo  – 1 calling in the Porth Hellick area.

Common Whitethroat  – 1 still on St. Martin’s.

Spotted Flycatcher  – 1 on St. Martin’s.

Sunday (02/06)

Pochard  – 2 drakes and a female on Porth Hellick Pool.

Whimbrel  – 1 on Porth Hellick Beach.

Common Swift  – 4 high over Higher Moors,

Cuckoo  – 2 calling in the Porth Hellick/ Carn Friars/Kittydown area and 1 in Lower Moors.

Cetti’s Warbler  – 1 singing at Porth Hellick Pool.

Spotted Flycatcher  – 1 at Maypole and 1 in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

Redpoll  – in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

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