Monday (13/05)

Marsh Harrier – 1 flew over Holy Vale

Golden Oriole – 1 in the elms along the track from Porth Hellick to Salakee Farm

Hobby – Still at least 1 on St. Mary’s

Turtle Dove – 1 near the boatyard on Bryher.

Cuckoo – 1 at Deep Pont

Cetti’s Warbler – 1 at Higher Moors and 1 in the Standing Stones Field, Lower Moors.

Black Redstart – 1 still in the Porth Minnick area.

Tuesday (14/05)

Hen Harrier – 1 along Pool Road, Tresco.

Marsh Harrier – 1 around Tresco

Golden Oriole – 1 on the Garrison by the tower, and 1 on Pool Road, Tresco & 1 Borough Farm, Tresco.

Shoveler – A drake on Tresco.

Pochard – A drake on Tresco.

Common Swift – 1 over Popplestone fields, Bryher.

Yellow Wagtail – 1 at Porth Killier, St. Agnes.

Wednesday (15/05)

Red Kite – ! over the Golf Course

Marsh Harrier – 1 circling the north end of Bryher.

Golden Oriole – A female at Sunnyside

European Storm-petrel – 3 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Whimbrel – 1 on Bryher Pool.

Arctic Skua – 1 seen in Scilly waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Hobby – 1 over Higher Moors and 1 over Old Grimsby, Tresco.

Turtle Dove – 1on Lunnon Farm.

Little Egret – 1 Ols Grimsby, Tresco.

Common Swift – 1 over the Garrison and 1 over the Riding Stables.

Yellow Wagtail – 1 still on Porth Killier, St. Agnes.

Thursday (16/05)

Osprey – 1 flew over Star Castle and continued towards St. Agnes.

Golden Oriole – 1 singing in the pines above Pelistry Bay and a female type flew over Pool road, Tresco.

Pochard – A pair on Tresco. 

Shoveler – 1 on Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 4 seen near Annet in the evening.

Manx Shearwater – 70+ seen near Annet in the evening.

Hobby – 1 Pentle Bay, Tresco.

Cuckoo – 1 Pentle Bay, Tresco. and 1 on Bryher.

Friday (17/05)

Red-backed Shrike – A male was in fields at Mount Todden Farm.

Dotterel – 1 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.

Osprey – 1 flew over St. Helen’s. so 

Marsh Harrier –A cream -crown flew over Pool Road, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 2 in Pentle Bay, Tresco.

Purple Sandpiper – 4 south of Dropnose Rock, Gugh.

Cuckoo – 1 calling in the Lunnon/Carn Friars area,1 calling on Tresco and 1 on Bryher

Redpoll –1 at the Blockhouse on Tresco.

Saturday (18/05)

Waxwing – The lingering bird was seen again in the flooded field behind Bryher Boatyard.

Golden Oriole – 1 singing at Content.

Turtle Dove – 1 in the field above Holy Vale Vineyard and 1 at Bryher Campsite.

Tufted Duck – 3 on Bryher Pool.

Whimbrel – 3 on the south of end of Wingletang Down, St. Agnes and 1 on St. Agnes.

Common Swift – 1 at Telegraph.

Cuckoo – 1 on Bryher.

Sunday (19/05)

Waxwing – The late bird was still on Bryher at hillside mere and then flew towards Green Bay.

Great Northern Diver – 4 seen from a boat trip between the islands.

Whimbrel – 20+ seen from a boat trip between the islands.

Hobby – 1 at Content.

Turtle Dove – 1 in Apple Tree Glade, Bryher.

Common Whitethroat – 2 at Content.

Siskin – 1 in Apple Tree Glade, Bryher.

Redpoll – 1 in Apple Tree Glade, Bryher

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