Tuesday (08/08) 

SCOPOLI’S SHEARWATER – Yet another on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel –12 on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Cory’s Shearwater – 8 off Porth Hellick Down. 4 off Giant’s Castle and 133 on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Great Shearwater – 57 on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Sooty Shearwater – 12 on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

European Storm-petrel – c200 on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Arctic Tern – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Yellow=legged Gull – A juvenile on the evening pelagic trip 4 km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Cattle Egret – 1 with cattle in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

Wednesday (09/08) 

Cory’s Shearwater – 22 close in off Peninnis, 30 near Bishop Rock and 50 from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance. 

Great Shearwater – 3 50 from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance. 

Sooty Shearwater – 1 50 from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance. 

Cattle Egret – 1 still the with cattle in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

Thursday (10/08)

Purple Heron – 1 flew over Lower Moors towards Hugh Town and then back towards Lower Moors (photo).

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark.

Cory’s Shearwater – 64 on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark and 15 in Scillonian waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance. 

Great Shearwater – 8 on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark and 2 in Scillonian waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Sooty Shearwater – 4 on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark.

European Storm-petrel – 80 on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark and 8 in Scillonian waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Cattle Egret – 1 still the with cattle in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

Knot – A summer-plumage bird on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark.

Bottlenose Dolphin – 2 in Scillonian waters from the Scillonian III on the return trip from St. Mary’s to Penzance.

Short-beaked Dolphin – 20 on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark.

Blue Shark – 1 caught, tagged and released on the evening pelagic trip 5km northeast of the Daymark.

Friday (11/08)

SCOPOLI’S SHEARWATER – 1+ on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Cory’s Shearwater – 145 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s, 28 off Giant’s Castle in the evening and 30+ in Scillonian waters seen from the Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Great Shearwater – 55 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s, 2 off Giant’s Castle in the evening and 5+ in Scillonian waters seen from the Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s. 

Sooty Shearwater – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

European Storm-petrel – 40 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Arctic Tern – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Water Rail – 1 Lower Moors.

Kingfisher – 1 Lower Moors.

Short-beaked Dolphin – 20 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Saturday (12/08)

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 6 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Cory’s Shearwater – 120 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Great Shearwater – 35 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s (photo).

European Storm-petrel – 40 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s,

Great Shua – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Tawny Owl – An owl seen briefly in silhouette, flying low over Longstone at c21:55, was almost certainly this species. This is a rare bird on Scilly, with less than 20 records on the islands.

Common Sandpiper – 1 calling at Porth Hellick in the evening.

Short-beaked Dolphin – 22 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 8km south of St. Mary’s.

Sunday (13/08)

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 6 on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s (photo).

Cory’s Shearwater – 400 on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s and 1 off Peninnis.

Great Shearwater – 35 on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s.

European Storm-petrel – 100 on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s.

Sabine’s Gull – An adult on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s (photo).

Grey Phalarope – 7 on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s (photo).

Great Skua – 1 on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St. Mary’s.

Arctic Skua – A dark-morph adult on the daytime pelagic trip 18 km northeast of St.Mary’s.

Cattle Egret – 1 still the with cattle in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

Monday (14/08)

RED-FOOTED BOOBY – Unbelievably the bird seen last Monday (07/08) was seen again on the evening pelagic trip (photo). After a good evening we set off back for St. Mary’s and decided to return via Bishop Rock. This was to give the visiting birders chance to see & photograph this iconic lighthouse and with the outside hope of last week’s bird was still in the area. 

Someone joked that it would be sat on the lighthouse. There was no immediate sighting of it, but when we sailed around the back, Ashley Fisher shouted “It’s there”! and there it was sat on the netting below the lantern house. All hell broke loose, everyone on the boat had excellent views and it was watched for over 40 minutes and was still there as a very happy group of birders set sail for St. Mary’s.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Cory’s Shearwater – 450 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Great Shearwater – 35 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Great Skua – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 30 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – 10 on the evening pelagic trip 5km southwest of Bishop Rock.

(c) Joe Pender
(c) Joe Pender
(c) Wayne Collingham
(c) Joe Pender
(c) Joe Pender

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