Saturday (22/07)
Cory’s Shearwater – 8 seen off Peninnis in a 10-minute seawatch from 18:50 to 19:00.
Sooty Shearwater – 1 seen off Peninnis in a 10-minute seawatch from 18:50 to 19:00
Sunday (23/07)
Cory’s Shearwater – 2 past Peninnis 1 at 08: 30 and 1 at 12:19
Great Shearwater – 1 seen mid-morning in a brief scan from the Airfield Turning Circle.
Manx Shearwater – A constant stream past Peninnis, probably 800+ in an hour.
Monday (24/07)
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
European Storm-petrel – 40 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Cory’s Shearwater – 9 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Great Shearwater – 4 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock (photo).
Sooty Shearwater – 2 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Manx Shearwater– 300 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Green Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Fin Whale – A “probable” on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 40 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Blue Shark –1 caught, tagged and released on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Sunfish – 1 on the evening pelagic trip 5Km southwest of Bishop Rock.
Tuesday (25/07)
Night Heron – A “probable” flew past Porthloo towards Lower Moors.
Cory’s Shearwater – 4 feeding at a “tuna boil” off Deep Point.
Great Shearwater – 1 feeding at the “tuna boil” off Deep Point.
Sooty Shearwater – 4 feeding at the “tuna boil” off Deep Point.
Manx Shearwater – 300 feeding at the “tuna boil” off Deep Point.
Fin Whale – 1 feeding at the “tuna boil” off Deep Point.
Wednesday (26/07)
Cory’s Shearwater – 22 off Horse Point, St Agnes.
Great Shearwater – 4 off Horse Point, St Agnes.
Manx Shearwater – c300 feeding at a “tuna boil” north of Shipman Head, Bryher.
European Storm-petrel – 1 off Horse Point, St Agnes.
Wood Sandpiper – 1 briefly on Lower Moors Pool.
Mediterranean Gull – 12 of various ages on Mare Ledges.
Fin Whale – 1 blowing and showing occasionally at the “tuna boil” north of Shipman Head, Bryher.
Thursday (27/07)
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 13+ on a pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary (photo).
Cory’s Shearwater – 110 past Horse Point, St Agnes in the morning, 41 on pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary (photo) and 33 from the Scillonian III crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Great Shearwater – 4 past Horse Point, St Agnes in the morning, 5 from the Scillonian III crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance and 1 on the pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary.
Manx Shearwater – 1500 on the p trip 10 Km south of St. Mary.
European Storm-petrel – 20 on the pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary and 2 from the Scillonian III crossing from St. Mary to Penzance.
Yellow-legged Gull – A juvenile over Porth Hellick and 1 on the pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary.
Long-tailed skua – A 3rd summer type on the pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary (photo).
Common Sandpiper –1 Popplestone Bay, Bryher.
Minke Whale –1 on the pelagic trip 10 Km south of St.Mary,
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 30 on the pelagic trip 10 Km south of St. Mary.
Friday (28/07)
Several “Tuna boils” around the islands with associated cetaceans and tubenoses feeding,
Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s and 6 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Cory’s Shearwater – 143 1 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s, 15 off Porth Hellick Down, 80 past Deep Point in the evening and c 600 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Great Shearwater – 40+ in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s. 4 past Deep Point in the evening and c200 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Sooty Shearwater – 21 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s, 3 past Deep Point in the evening and c70 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Balearic Shearwater – 3 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Manx Shearwater – 1000s Shearwater in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s and c1500 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
European Storm-petrel – 11 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s and 100 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Sabine’s Gull – 3 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Yellow-legged Gull – 2 juveniles on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Mediterranean Gull –18 on the way out on evening pelagic trip.
Arctic Tern – 13 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Pomarine Skua – 1 past Deep Point in the evening.
Arctic Skua – 1 on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.
Wood Sandpiper – 1 briefly on Porth Hellick Pool.
Green Sandpiper – 1on Lower Moors Pool.
Fin Whale – 1 off Deep Point in the evening.
Minke Whale – 1 off Porth Hellick Down.
Risso’s Dolphin – 8 3 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Common Dolphin – c40 3n Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Harbour porpoise – 6 3 in Scillonian waters on the Scillonian III crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.
Blue Shark – 1 caught, tagged and released on the evening pelagic trip north of St. Martin’s.