Monday (10/10)
Swainson’s Thrush – 1 still in Racket Town Cottage Garden, Tresco.
American Buff-bellied Pipit – Carn Friars Farm in the field opposite the sign to Porth Hellick Down Burial chamber.
Olive-backed Pipit – 1 in a field at Trenoweth.
Short-toed Lark – 1 seen briefly at the bottom of Barnaby Lane, St. Agnes.
Little Bunting – 1 flew out to sea from the turning circle on the airfield.
Common Rosefinch – Again several reports from different locations on St. Mary’s: 1 Pilot’s Retreat, 1 in the sycamore in Peninnis allotments and 1 at Trenoweth.
Cory’s Shearwater – 1 past Peninnis.
Cattle Egret – 1 Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Little Egret – 4 Bar Point and 1 at Old Town.
Hen? Harrier – A ring-tailed over Tresco was probably this species.
Wryneck – 1 on the coastal path from Porth Hellick Bay below Porth Hellick Down it or another in the Orchard Maze field, Carn Friars Farm Track and 1 near Giant’s Castle.
Great Northern Diver – An adult summer bird flew east over Porth Mellon and it or another in Porth Cressa Bay.
Pink-footed Goose – 4 in a field at Higher Town, St. Martin’s.
Golden Plover – 1 in Porth Hellick Bay.
Common Sandpiper – 1 Porthloo.
Knot – 7 flew over St. Lawrence’s Bay and landed on St. Martin’s Flats.
Jack Snipe – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Whimbrel – 9 Toll’s Island and 1 flew south west past Peninnis.
Mediterranean Gull – 56 in Tresco Channel and 12+ Porthloo.
Merlin – 1seen around St. Mary’s and 1 over St. Agnes Campsite.
Kingfisher – 1 Old Town Bay.
Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 Shooter’s Pool, Lower Moors, 1 at Carn Gwaval School near the entrance to Old Town Churchyard, 1 Holy Vale 1 Tremelethen Trail, 1 between Peninnis allotments & the Health Centre, 1 in the sycamore behind Grimlinton Farmhouse, St. Agnes, 1 on the road to Higher Town Quay, St. Martin’s and 1 Pentle House, Tresco.
Grasshopper Warbler – 1 on the coastal path from Porth Hellick Bay below Porth Hellick Down.
Firecrest – 2 Carreg Dhu Gardens, 1 Trenoweth and 4 Pentle House, Tresco.
Redwing – 1 flew west over Lower Moors.
Whinchat – 3 in the field between Salakee Farm & Porth Hellick boardwalk, 2 Helvear, 1 Simpson’s Field, Tresco and 1 in the Bushes by Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Common Redstart – 1 above Deep Point Quarry, 1 Porth Minnick, 1 Helvear, 1 on the Garrison, 1 by the seaward gate at the end of the Porth Hellick boardwalk and 1 in the bushes by Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Black Redstart – 2 Pelistry Farm, 2 Porthloo, 1 Porth Minnick, 1 Carn Leh, Old Town Bay, 1 by Peninnis Lighthouse, 1 Town Beach and 3 on St.Agnes
Pied Flycatcher – 1 by the Cadet Hut on the Garrison, 1 Holy Vale and 1 near Lunnon Farm.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 in the elms behind Carn Leh, Old Town Bay and 1 in the Standing Stones Field, Lower Moors.
Tree Pipit – 1 flew over the Big Pool, St. Agnes.
White Wagtail – 4 on Tresco Heliport.
Lapland Bunting – 1 Plumb Island, St. Martin’s.
Reed Bunting – 1 on the coastal path from Porth Hellick Bay below Porth Hellick Down.
Snow Bunting – 1 on rocks by St. Martin’s Flats.
Siskin – 1 flew over Peacehaven, Watermill.
Redpoll – 1in the Standing Stones Field.
Tuesday (11/10)
Swainson’s Thrush – 1 still in Racket Town Cottage Garden, Tresco.
Red-eyed Vireo – The third species of American passerine for the autumn was one of this species at Helvear.
Olive-backed Pipit – 1 in a field at Trenoweth and 1 flew from Tamarisk Farm toward the Fruit Cage, St. Agnes.
Little Bunting – 1 trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick Ringing Station.
Wryneck – 1 on the gorse slope west of Bread and Cheese Cove, St. Martin’s.
Cory’s Shearwater – 140 on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s (photo), 1 off Deep Point and 3 flew past Peninnis.
Great Shearwater – 40 on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s (photo).
Sooty Shearwater – 6 on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s.
Great Skua – 3 on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s.
Pomarine Skua– An adult on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s.
Puffin – 6 on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St.Mary’s.
Pink-footed Goose – 4 still in a field at Higher Town, St. Martin’s.
Long-tailed Duck – 1 off Middle Town, St. Martin’s.
Great Northern Diver – 1 between Innisidgen and the Eastern Isles.
Wood Lark – 1 flew over Telegraph an 1 flew over Bryher Campsite.
Cattle Egret – 1 seen at various locations on Tresco.
Grey Plover – 1 Porth Hellick Beach.
Golden Plover – 1 Porth Hellick Beach and 1 Shipman Head Down
Common Sandpiper – 1 Porthloo Beach.
Whimbrel – 8 at Bar Point.
Jack Snipe – 1 Lower Moors and 1 Porth Hellick Pool.
Short-eared Owl – 1 flying towards St. Agnes from Peninnis.
Lon-eared Owl – 1 at Trewince.
Hen Harrier – A ringtail flew over St. Warna’s Cove, St. Agnes.
Merlin – 1 on Gugh.
Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 in the pines east of Bar Point.
Kingfisher – 1 on rocks at Porth Cressa, 1 Porth Hellick, 1 Porthloo and 1 Thomas Porth
Lesser Whitethroat – 1 in the Middle Town pines, St. Martin’s.
Yellow-browed Warbler – 7 St. Mary’s, 2 Tresco and 1 St. Martin’s.
Firecrest – 2 Carreg Dhu Gardens, 1 in fields at Old Town and 2 at the Garrison Campsite.
Black Redstart – An obvious arrival with 25+ across the islands.
Pied Flycatcher – 1 flew over Porthloo.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1at the junction of Old Town Lane & Carn Friars Lane, 1 in the Jac-a-ba pines and 1 in a field by St. Martin’s Community Hall.
Ring Ouzel – 1 flew over Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Mistle Thrush – 1 flew over the Great Pool, Tresco.
Redwing – 2 at Longstone, 2 Helvear and 3 in the pines behind Bar Point.
Whinchat – 1 Lower Moors and 1 Tresco Heliport.
Skylark – 1 flew over Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Tree Pipit – 1 in pines on the Garrison and 1 Helvear.
Siskin – Another obvious influx with 32 on Bryher, 27 on St. Mary’s, 10 on Tresco and 4 on St. Agnes.
Brambling – 1 Old Town Chuchyard and 2 in the pines behind Bar Point.
Minke Whale – 6 on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s.
Short=beaked Common Dolphin – 150+ on a pelagic trip 8 miles south of St. Mary’s.
Risso’s Dolphin – 6 seen 2 miles south of Gugh on the pelagic trip.