Monday (08/08)

Laughing Gull – A summer plumage adult (photo) that was seen on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock, was a very pleasant and totally unexpected surprise for every one on board. This was almost certainly the elusive bird seen briefly on St. Martin’s on July 10 and Tresco n July 27.

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 6+ on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock

European Storm-petrel – 30 on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock

Sooty Shearwater – 1 on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Great Skua – 1 on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Common Sandpiper – 4 on Abbey Pool, Tresco and 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Green Sandpiper – 1 on Abbey Pool, Tresco and 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Wood Sandpiper – 1 on Abbey Pool, Tresco and 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Great Skua – 1 on the joint sharking/birding pelagic trip 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Hobby – The first-summer bird was over higher Moors.

Short-billed Common Dolphin – 60 on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Blue Shark – 3 on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock, 2 of which were caught tagged and released.

Humpback Whale– 1 seen distantly on the evening pelagic 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock, was though to be this species.

Tuesday (09/08) 

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 1 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

European Storm-petrel – 25 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Great Shearwater – 3 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Common Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Wood Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Kingfisher – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Short-billed Common Dolphin – 30 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Blue Shark – 3 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – 15 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Compass Jellyfish – “Lots” on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Wednesday (10/08)

Laughing Gull – the summer plumage adult appeared on the Big Pool, St. Agnes before flying over the bank into Porth Coose.

Wood Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Green Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 on Lower Moors Pool.

Common Sandpiper – 3 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Water Rail – A juvenile on Porth Hellick Pool.

Hobby – 1 over the Great Pool, Tresco.

Spotted Flycatcher – 2 a00t Carn Friars.

Common Swift– 1 drinking at Porth Hellick Pool and 6 over St. Agnes Post Office.

Thursday (11/08)

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Wilson’s Storm-petrel – 3 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

European Storm-petrel – 40 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Cory’s Shearwater – 1 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Great Shearwater – 15 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Manx Shearwater – 1 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Wood Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool and 3 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Green Sandpiper – 4 on Porth Hellick Pool and 1 on a scrape by the pig fields on the Garrison.

Common Sandpiper – 3 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Water Rail – The juvenile was still on Porth Hellick Pool.

Kingfisher – 2 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 the eastern pine belt near the Star Castle Gardens on the Garrison.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 the eastern pine belt near the Star Castle Gardens on the Garrison.

Short-billed Common Dolphin – 60 on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Porbeagle Shark – 1 caught, tagged and released on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Blue Shark – 2 seen on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – 5 seen on the evening birding/sharking trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock

Friday (12/08) 

The third weekend of Birder’s Special Pelagic trips started with an evening trip 5 miles southwest of Bishop Rock. Sightings included : 30 European Storm-petrel, 12 Cory’s Shearwater, 41 Great Shearwater, 3 Sooty Shearwater, 250 Manx Shearwater, 2 Great Skua, an Arctic Tern, 60 Short-billed Common Dolphin, a Blue Shark and 100-150 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna.

Lesser Yellowlegs – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Icterine Warbler – 1 in the sallows on the track from Holy Vale to the road.

Wryneck – The first of the autumn was 1 flushed from the road t the junction of Parting Carn.

Wood Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool# and 3 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Green Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Common Sandpiper – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.

Kingfisher – 2 at Porth Hellick, 1 of which was caught and ringed.

Common Swift – 16 over Morning Point on the Garrison and 30 over the garden behind Star Castle.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 at Trenoweth.

Pied Flycatcher – 1 in the pines belt above Steval Battery on the Garrison.

Crossbill – 2 flew north over the garden behind Star Castle on the Garrison.

(c) Joe Pender
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