Sunday (01/05)
There was a noticeable influx of hirundines with good numbers off all 3 of the commoner species, but also there were:
Red-rumped Swallow – 1 at Scilly Point, St. Martin’s early afternoon and 3 on the Garrison late evening.
Cattle Egret – 1 on Pool Road, Tresco.
Scaup – The pair were still on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Great Northern Diver – 1 in Porth Cressa Bay and1 off Halangy.
Whimbrel – 32 flew high east off Horse Point. St. Agnes, 1 Porthloo, 1 Porth Hellick Beach, 3 Lingy Beach, 2 Pendrathen and 1 Scilly Point, St. Martin’s.
Bar-tailed Godwit – 1 at Porth Killier, St. Agnes (photo).
Cuckoo – 1 on the hillside above the vineyard on St. Martin’s and 1 on Tresco.
Cetti’s Warbler – 1 by the pool in the Standing Stones Field, Lower Moors.
Lesser Whitethroat – 1 singing in the sallows near the hides at Porth Hellick, 1 singing opposite the Telegraph Road entrance to Sunnyside Farm Trail and 1 at Sallyport.
Ring Ouzel – 1 on Gun Hill, Tresco.
Monday (02/05)
Black-eared Wheatear – A female was seen and photographed late evening in a field adjacent to the Golf Course, unfortunately it could not be relocated (photo).
Red-rumped Swallow – 1 briefly over fields north of Back Lane, Tresco.
Cattle Egret – 1 on Simpson’s Field, Tresco.
Golden Oriole – 1 on Gugh and it or another was later seen in the Garden of Barnaby Cottage, St. Agnes.
Turtle Dove – 1 on Peninnis.
Garganey – 1 The drake was still at the west end of the Great Pool, Tresco.
Pochard – A drake on the Great Pool and a female on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Scaup – The pair were still on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Great Northern Diver – 3 seen from the Garrison looking towards Samson, 3 off Deep Point, 2 off Innisidgen, 1 off Peninnis, 6 between St. Agnes & Samson, 1 off the south end of Tresco, 1 off John Martin’s Ledge, St. Martin’s.
Common Sandpiper – 4 on Periglis, 2 on Porth Coose & 2 Porth Killier, St. Agnes and 1 on the west side of Peninnis.
Purple Sandpiper – 8 seen on a boat trip around the Northern & Western Rocks.
Whimbrel – 2 in fields on Peninnis, 2 on rocks on the west side of Peninnis and 4 at Scilly Point, St. Martin’s
Cuckoo – 2 flying around at Lunnon,1 calling in Holy Vale and 1 near the Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Swift – 1 at Scilly Point, St. Martin’s.
Lesser Whitethroat – 1 on Porth Hellick Loop.
Redwing – 1 at Rosehill.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 at Carn Friars.
Ring Ouzel – 1 flew south over Peninnis and 1 on the Golf Course.
Tuesday (03/05)
Dotterel – 1 still on Shipman Head Down, Tresco.
Garganey – 1 The drake was on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Scaup – The pair were still on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Great Northern Diver – 1 between St. Mary’s and St. Agnes.
Little Grebe – 1 calling on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Whimbrel – 2 on Porthloo Beach and 1 on Porth Hellick Beach.
Bar-tailed Godwit – 1 still at Porth Killier, St. Agnes.
Hobby – 1 over Tresco Abbey Gardens and 1 over Newford Duck Pond.
Cuckoo – 1 on Middle Down, Tresco, 1 Rosehill and 1 flying past Parting Carn.
Wood Warbler – 1 in sallows on Helvear Hill.
Ring Ouzel – 1 still on the Golf Course.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 at Deep Point and 1 Rocky Hill.
Pied Flycatcher – A female in Carreg Dhu Gardens.
Whinchat – 1 on Samson.
Wednesday (04/05)
Scaup – The pair were still on Abbey Pool, Tresco.
Bar-tailed Godwit – 1 on Porth Coose, St. Agnes and 1 at Gimble Point, Tresco.
Whimbrel – 3 on the beach below Innisidgen, 2 at Shark’s Pit and 3 at Gimble Point, Tresco.
Common Sandpiper – 1 at St. Warna’s Cove, St, Agnes.
Merlin – 1 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Ring Ouzel – 1 still on the Golf Course and 2 on Shipman Head Down, Bryher.
Black Redstart – A female type bird below Peninnis Lighthouse.
Reed Bunting – 1 beside Abbey Pool, Tresco.