Tuesday (20/04)
Bee-eater – 1 flew east over Longstone and later in the Normandy/ Carn Friars area
Cattle Egret – 4 still on Tresco in the fields above the cricket pitch at Old Grimsby and then by Pool Road, Tresco
Wood Warbler – 1 calling at Longstone moving towards Carreg Dhu Gardens
Shoveler – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool
Pintail – A drake on the Great Pool, Tresco
Pochard – 3 drakes on the Great Pool, Tresco
Cuckoo – 1 Watch Hill, Bryher, 1 singing at Middle Down, Tresco
Great Northern Diver – 4 off the south of Tresco
Little Egret – 1 Bryher
Marsh Harrier – The female was seen over Porth Hellick, Longstone and the Abbey Pool, Tresco
Golden Plover – 1 going into summer plumage northeast of Higher Town, St. Martin’s
Whimbrel – An obvious influx with 25 on St.Agnes and 24 on Bryher
Bar-tailed Godwit – 3 Pentle Bay, Tresco
Iceland Gull – 1 flew across Town Bay towards Porthloo
Raven – 2 Castle Down, Tresco
Cetti’s Warbler – 1 singing in the Standing Stones field and another singing in the cleared area adjacent to the old incinerator
Ring Ouzel – 1 Browarth, St. Agnes
Pied Flycatcher – A male on the track from New Grimsby to Castle Down, Tresco
Yellow Wagtail – 1 Barnaby Lane, St. Agnes, 3 on Tresco
White Wagtail – 1 Bryher
Tree Pipit – 7 Bryher
Wednesday (21/04)
Bee-eater – 1 still around on St. Mary’s, heard at Higher Moors and later seen in the Carn Friars/ Normandy area
Cattle Egret – Still 4 on Tresco in the field behind the cricket pitch
Turtle Dove – The first of the spring was 1 that flew over the Garrison football field and then over Church Road
Greylag Goose – 1 flew over Fraggle Rock, Bryher and over Normandy before ending up on the airfield.
Shoveler – A pair on the Great Pool, Tresco
Pintail – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresc0
Pochard – A drake on the Great Pool, Tresco
Cuckoo – 1 on Tresco
Marsh Harrier – The female was seen at Lower Moors and Porth Hellick
Golden Plover – The near full summer-plumaged bird was still in a field north of Higher Town. St. Martin’s
Whimbrel – 2 Popplestone Bay and 18 Great Porth, Bryher, 3 Lawrance’s Bay, St. Martin’s
Black-tailed Godwit – 4 Lower Moors (photo)
Purple Sandpiper – 35+ Western Rocks (photo)
Iceland Gull – 1 Porthloo, 1 again in the garden behind Star Castle, 1 Abbey Pool, Tresco
Great Skua – 1 seen from the Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s
Skylark – 1 Chapel Down, St. Martin’s
Grasshopper Warbler – 1 in Porth Cressa Allotments, 1 at Higher Moors, 1 reeling by the top end of the Kittydown track, 1 at Innisidgen Hill
Whitethroat – 1 trapped and ringed at Porth Hellick and one in the garden behind Star Castle
Black Redstart – A female at Bryher campsite, 1 Dolphin Town, Tresco
Yellow Wagtail – 2 Dolphin Town, Tresco
Siskin – 1 Porth Hellick