Firstly news from 2019, the BBRC have accepted the Hume’s Warbler at Newford Duck Pond last November.
The Red-rumped Swallow was still at Porth Hellick. 8 Swift were over Kittydown, 6 were over Longstone and 6 were over the Garrison.
A sea-watch from Deep Point yielded 2 Sooty Shearwater, 70 Manx Shearwater, a European Storm-petrel, 4 Fulmar, 18 Gannet and a Guillemot.
The only report was of a Crossbill was in the Porth Hellick Down Pines.
There were no reports
A Greenish Warbler was found in the garden of Longstone Cottage, where it remained until nightfall. 2 Be-eater were reported at Porth Hellick and 20 Swift were over Peninnis/Buzza/Lower Moors.
A Green Sandpiper was on the Project Pool (behind the Dump Clump) and the Cetti’s Warbler was still singing nearby.
A kayak trip to Samson and back produced 2 Whimbrel, 15 Curlew, a Dunlin and 2 Sandwich Tern.