Wednesday 11th
A Great Northern Diver was in Town Bay and a Jack Snipe was flushed from a field at Porth Hellick. On Bryher there were 3 Grey Plover and 6 Great Northern Diver offshore. Also seen were 10 Linnet which on Scilly tend to be the avian harbingers of Spring. There were 3 Black Swan (possibly those that have been seen around Cornwall) and for the botanist there was at least one of that Scilly speciality, Dwarf Pansy in flower.
Thursday 12th
The 2 Chough were at Deep Point.
Friday 13th
100s perhaps 1000 Kittiwakes were seen off Peninnis.
Saturday 14th
A Kestrel seen on Porth Hellick Down, from photographs, turned out to be the LESSER KESTREL identified next day.
Sunday 15th
An adult male LESSER KESTREL was seen and identified on Porth Hellick Down. It transpires that a Kestrel species had been present there for a week to 10 days.
2 Golden Plover were on the airfield and a Common Scoter was north of Pelistry Bay.
There was a report of a possible Hoopoe seen from Harry’s Wall’s flying towards Lower Moors.