Sunday (23/10)
Blackburnian Warbler – The first-winter male was still in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.
Pallid Swift – Yesterday’s bird left its roost on the Garrison and flew off over the harbour and was later seen over Old Grimsby, Tresco.
Wilson’s Snipe – 1 still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Radde’s Warbler – 1 on the path from Longstone above Holy Vale.
Pallas’s Warbler – 1 in bushes by the sluice at the northwest end of the Great Pool, Tresco.
Richard’s Pipit – 1 near the windsock on the airfield.
Red-throated Pipit – 1 Pungies Lane.
Short-toed Lark – 1 still in a field near Coastguards, St. Agnes (photo).
Wryneck – 1 on the bank by Porth Killier, St. Agnes.
Great Shearwater – 11 past Peninnis Head.
Sooty Shearwater – 3 past Peninnis Head.
Manx- Shearwater – 2 past Peninnis Head.
Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 in a sycamore by the entrance to the Garrison Campsite,1 Holy Vale, 1 Higher Moors, 1 in the Porthloo Lane pine belt and 1 Porth Hellick Loop.
Woodlark – 1 flew over Porth Hellick House, 1 flew over Porth Hellick Loop Trail and 1 on the airfield
Cattle Egret – 1 still on Tresco.
Grey Plover – 1 still on Porth Hellick Beach.
Golden Plover – 1 on the airfield.
Lapwing – 2 roosting on Newford Island before moving to Newford Island, Porthloo.
Bar-tailed Godwit – 1 on Newford Island, Porthloo.
Jack Snipe – 2 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Whimbrel – 3 flew past Porth Mellon.
Marsh Harrier – 1 over Popplestone Fields, Bryher, later seen over the Great Pool, Tresco.
Kingfisher – 1 Porthloo Beach.
Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 in Lower Moors.
Cetti’s Warbler – 1 in Lower Moors.
Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 in Lower Moors and 1 Content Lane.
Firecrest – 1 Content Lane, 1 near Longstone Terrace and on St. Agnes 1 in the Parsonage Garden & 1 Troy Town.
Fieldfare – Still several 100 on the islands.
Ring Ouzel – 1 between Watermill & Borough Farm, 1 in a field on Pungies Lane and on St. Agnes 1 by the Coastguards,1 by St. Warna’s Cove & 1 Browarth.
Skylark – 10 on the Peninnis Farm Trail and 15 on Tresco Heliport.
Black Redstart – 1 Little Porth, 2 Porth Mellon, 2 Porthloo, Porth Cressa,1 at the Garrison tennis court, 1 Town Beach, 3 by the fence near the airport entrance, 3 in a field at the top of Ennor Close, Old Town,1 at Pelistry Riding Stables, 1 Holy Vale and on St. Agnes 2 St. Warna’s Cove & 1 Browarth.
Whinchat –1 in a field at the top of Ennor Close, Old Town.
Redpoll – 1 flew over St, Agnes.
Siskin – 25 Content Lane, 4 in St. Mary’s Hall Garden and 3 Peninnis allotments.
Snow Bunting –1 by Peninnis Lighthouse and 1 Browarth, St. Agnes.
Lapland Bunting – 1 flew over the airfield.
Reed Bunting –2 in a field on Pungies Lane.
Monday (24/10)
Blackburnian Warbler – The first-winter male was still in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.
Wilson’s Snipe – 1 still at Porth Hellick Pool.
American Buff-bellied Pipit – 1 flew northeast over Borough Farm towards Watermill and landed in the paddocks at Helvear.
Red-throated Pipit – 1still Pungies Lane/Content area & it or another over Carn Friars and a “probable” at Browarth St. Agnes.
Red-rumped Swallow –1 over Porth Hellick Pool, later hawking over the bay and Carn Friars.
Common Rosefinch – 1 at Great Bay, St. Martin’s.
Short-toed Lark – 1 still in a field near Coastguards Café, St. Agnes.
Wryneck – 1 in the Browarth fields, St. Agnes.
Great Shearwater –33 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Sooty Shearwater– 3 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Manx- Shearwater – 2 on a “mini pelagic” and 4 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Leach’s Storm-petrel – 1 on a “mini pelagic” and 5 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
European Storm-petrel – 4 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Pomarine – 2 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 between the Dump & the Dump Clump, 1 in Old Town Churchyard, 1 Holy Vale, 1 Lower Moors and 1 on Gugh
Woodlark – 1 in field at Normandy corner.
Great Northern Diver – 1 off Innisidgen.
Spoonbill – 3 on Green Island.
Cattle Egret – 1 still on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Little Egret – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Pintail – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Wigeon – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Tufted Duck – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Pochard – 3 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Golden Plover – 2 flew over St. Mary’s
Jack Snipe – 1 on Porth Hellick Pool.
Woodcock – 1 flushed from the path through the Dump Clump
Whimbrel – 3 flew past Porth Mellon.
Black-tailed Godwit – 2 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Marsh Harrier – 1 over the Great Pool, Tresco.
Merlin – 1 over Pungies Lane.
Kingfisher – 1 Porthloo Beach.
Kingfisher – 1 Carn Leh, Old Town.
Great Spotted Woodpecker – 1 calling in flight over Porth Hellick Pool.
Cetti’s Warbler – 1 calling in Lower Moors.
Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 on Pool Road, Tresco.
Lesser Whitethroat – An “ eastern-type” was at Borough Farm. St. Mary’s.
Firecrest – 2 Carreg Dhu Gardens, 1 Porth Hellick House and 1 Cove Vean, St. Agnes
Fieldfare & Redwing – Still around but in smaller numbers,
Ring Ouzel – 1 still between Watermill & Borough Farm, 1 in a field and l in a field near Coastguards Café, St. Agnes.
Skylark – 1 Pungies Lane
Yellow Wagtail – 1 giving a harsh call flew over Popplestone Fields on Bryher.
Black Redstart – 2 Little Porth, 2 Porth Mellon, 1 Peninnis,2 in a paddock at the airport,1 in the horse field at Telegraph Road/Content junction, 1 Porthloo and 1 between Periglis & Porth Coose, St. Agnes
Pied Flycatcher – 1 in the pine belt between Helvear and the coastal path north of Watermill.
Spotted Flycatcher – 1 near the pool by the cricket pitch on St. Martin’s.
Snow Bunting – 1 still at Browarth, St. Agnes.
Brambling – 1 in a garden behind Star Castle on the Garrison.
Reed Bunting –1 Pungies Lane.
Risso’s Dolphin – 1 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin – 15 from the Scillonian III on the crossing from St. Mary’s to Penzance.
Tuesday (25/10)
Wilson’s Snipe – 1 still at Porth Hellick Pool.
Olive-backed Pipit – 1 still on Pool Road, Tresco.
Red-rumped Swallow – 1 over the rocks below Tregarthens’ Car Park (photo) which then flew off over Hugh Town later was seen over the Dump area. And feeding over Porth Mellon in the evening.
Short-toed Lark – 1 still in a field near Coastguards Café, St. Agnes.
Red-breasted Flycatcher – 1 in the Dump Clump (photo).
Cory’s Shearwater – 3 past Peninnis and 1 past Horse Point, St. Agnes.
Great Shearwater – A huge passage of 1000s of birds with 4101 past Peninnis between and over 4000 past Horse Point, St. Agnes.
Sooty Shearwater – 42 past Peninnis.
Balearic Shearwater –4 past Peninnis and 2 past Horse Point, St. Agnes.
Manx Shearwater – 42 past Peninnis.
Leach’s Storm-petrel – 2 past Peninnis an 7 past Horse Point, St. Agnes.
Great Skua – 3 past Horse Point, St. Agnes.
Arctic Skua – 3 past Peninnis.
Yellow-browed Warbler – 1 still at Newford Duck Pond, 1 at the Old Town end of Lower Moors, 1 Porth Hellick Loop and 1 in the Dump Clump.
Siberian Chiffchaff – 1 at Newford Duck Pond.
Grey Plover– 1 still in Porth Hellick Bay.
Jack Snipe – 1 in a field at Normandy Corner.
Black-tailed Godwit – 3 on the Great Pool, Tresco.
Whimbrel – 1 on rocks on the west side of the Garrison.
Merlin – 1 flew over Porth Hellick Pool towards Holy Vale.
Ring Ouzel – 1 still between Watermill & Borough Farm.
Black Redstart – 2 Porth Mellon, 1 at Pelistry Riding Stables, 3 in a field by the lane to Carn Vean Tearooms and 4 on St. Agnes.
Grey Wagtail – 1 Porth Hellick.
Risso’s Dolphin – 4 past Peninnis.