Monday (03/06)

Short-toed Lark – 1 on the airfield in the evening.

Goldeneye – The female was still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Pochard – 5 on the Great Pool, Tresco

Great Northern Diver  – 2 off Innisidgen,1 off the Daymark, St. Martin’s.

Common Swift – 1 over Little Arthur Farm, St. Martin’s.

Cuckoo – 1 in the Dead Pine Walk on the Garrison.

Common Whitethroat  – 1 singing on St.Mattin’s between the Seven Stones Inn the beach.

Tuesday (04/06)

Short-toed Lark – 1 still on the airfield.

Goldeneye – The female was still on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Wigeon – A female on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver  – 1 close inshore just west of Watermill Cove.

Little Egret – 1 on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Whimbrel – 1 on Porth Coose, St. Agnes.

Raven – 2 on St. Martin’s.

Common Whitethroat – 1 near English Point, St. Martin’s.

Wednesday (05/06)

Short-toed Lark – 1 still on the airfield.

Roseate Tern  – 1 seen 3 miles southwes0t of Bishop Rock, on the first pelagic trip of the year. This is a scarce .bird on Scilly and is the first record since June 2021.

European Storm-petrel – 15 seen 3 miles southwest of Bishop Rock, on the first pelagic trip of the year.

Common Swift  – 2 over Maypole.

Thursday (06/06)

Short-toed Lark – 1 still on the airfield.

Marsh Harrier – 1 flew northwest from Annet.

Great Northern Diver  – 3 in the Roads.

European-storm Petrel – 25 caught and ringed at Deep Point overnight into Friday.

Manx Shearwater – 2 caught and ringed at Deep Point overnight into Friday.

Friday (07/06)

Quail – 1 in a small field east of Appletree Glade, Bryher.

Cuckoo – 1 calling around Middle Town, St. Martin’s.

Spotted Flycatcher – 1 at Higher Moors.

Saturday (08/06)

Great Northern Diver – 2 off Tresco.

Little Egret – 1 in full breeding plumage on Tresco.

Common Swift –  2 over Church Road and 4 over Tresco.

White Wagtail –  A male on Tresco

Sunday (09/06)

Whimbrel – 3 on Samson.

Common Whitethroat – 1 on the airfield.

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