Monday (20/05)

Bee-eater – 1+ flew north over higher Moor in the evening.

Red-rumped Swallow – 1 on wires at the road entrance to Porth Hellick

Nightjar– 1 heard  the churring from the path to Bant’s Carn from Telegraph. It was also heard in the same area on Sunday night.

Golden Oriole – 1 calling in elms between Trenoweth and Bristow.

Little Egret – 1 on Bryher Pool.

Pochard – On Tresco a drake was on Abbey Pool and a pair were on the Great Pool.

Tufted Duck – 2 males and a female on the Great Pool, Tresco.

Great Northern Diver  – 1 seen from Peninnis looking towards Gugh and 1 off Stinking Porth. Bryher.

Turtle Dove – 1  in a field  above Holy Vale Vineyard and 1 in Popplestone Fields, Bryher.

Common Swift – 1 at Porth Hellick and 1 over the Great Pool Tresco

Cuckoo – 1 singing at the entrance to Lunnon Farm, 1 between the airfield and Porth Hellick and 1 by the church on Bryher.

Siskin – 1 flew over the fields by Great Par, Bryher.

Redpoll – 1   flew over the Big Pool, St. Agnes.

Tuesday (21/05)

Golden Oriole – 1 called and sang briefly from the pines on Toll’s hill.

Turtle Dove – 1 still in the field above Holy Vale Vineyard.

Wigeon – 1 on Tresco.

Great Northern Diver – 1 6 in the Roads and 1 near Annet.

Golden Plover – 1 on Tresco.

Whimbrel – 7 flew past Gleaner Beach, Tresco.

Common Swift – 1 over Pelistry Riding Stables.

Wednesday (22/05)

Woodchat Shrike – 1 on Salakee Down.

Yellow-legged Gull  – An adult was in St. Warna’s Cove.

Turtle Dove  –1 still in the fields above Holy Vale Vineyard.

Cuckoo – 1 in the Old Town Churchyard. 1  at the seaward end of the airfield and 1 on Gugh.

Thursday (23/05)

Garganey – 2 on Lower Moors Pool  and then flew off north.

Golden Plover  – 1 on Wingletang Down, St. Agnes.

Whimbrel  – 5 on St. Agnes.

Turtle Dove  – 1 still in the field above Holy Vale Vineyard and 1 that flew over Lower Moors was probably the 1 seen in the field at the back of Bay View Terrace.

Common Swift – 3 over Salakee fields and over Porth Hellick Pool.

Cuckoo – 1 calling above Longstone Café, 1 in the Carn Friars/ Porth Hellick Down area and 1 on Salakee Down.

Friday (24/05)

Golden Oriole – 1 by the cricket pitch on St. Martin’s 

Great Northern Diver  –  a summer plumage bird in Hugh Town Harbour.

Golden Plover – 1 on St. Agnes

Whimbrel – 3 on St, Agnes  and 12 on Bryher.

European Storm-petrel – 1 in Scilly waters seen from Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Sooty Shearwater – 1 in Scilly waters seen from Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Great Skua – 1 in Scilly waters seen from Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Arctic Skua – 1 in Scilly waters seen from Scillonian III on the crossing from Penzance to St. Mary’s.

Common Whitethroat – 1 on St. Martin’s.

Saturday (25/05)

Golden Oriole – 2 in the elms on the track between Porth Hellick and Salakee Farm

Turtle Dove – 1 flew over Borough Farm, St. Mary’s.

Common Sandpiper  – 1 flew over Longstone at 22:00.

Sunday (26/05)

Golden Oriole  – 1 singing at Salakee Farm. In the morning and at Porth Hellick in the evening.

Purple Sandpiper  – 1 on St. Agnes.

Common Sandpiper  – 1 at Porth Killier. St. Agnes.

Common Swift  – 1 over Holy Vale.

Cuckoo – 1 at Watermill.

Common Redstart  – 1 on the path between the Dump Clump & 5 Islands School and 1 at Cove Vean, St. Agnes.

Spotted Flycatcher  – 1 on the path between the Dump Clump and Porth Mellon.

White Wagtail  – A male singing on the rood of Longstone Bungalow.

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